Development Standards Review Task Force

This is a newly created board as a result of combining the Development Plan Review Board, Form-Based Code Commission, and Padre Boulevard Revitalization Implementation Committee. This Task Force will be responsible for the review of site plans and exterior design of buildings and signs along Padre Boulevard, developing and enforcing a Form-Based Code, and the beautification and revitalization of Padre Boulevard. The Development Standards Review Task Force meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

City Staff Liaison:  Marta Martinez, Planning Coordinator

Current Task Force members are:
Name Start Expires
Barbara Hays 01/24/24 12/31/25
Cindi Love 01/06/21 12/31/24
Charles Fox 01/24/24 12/31/25
Chris White 01/24/24 12/31/24
Gary Johnson 01/06/21 12/31/24
Gabriel Vanounou 01/06/21 12/31/24