Shoreline Task Force

The Shoreline Task Force is the City's appointed advisory board to carry out the duties and functions of the previous Beach and Dune Task Force and the Bay Area Task Force. Their responsibilities include making recommendations to City Council pertaining to Shoreline Department projects and grants for the beach, accesses points (beach and bay), and any other additional tasks assigned by City Council.

City Staff Liaison:  Kristina Boburka, Shoreline Director, and Emily Kornblum, Coastal Coordinator

Current Task Force members are:

Name Start Expires
Todd Williams 01/24/24 12/31/25
Abbie Mahan 12/31/24 12/31/26
Michael Sularez 12/31/24 12/31/26
Chuck Fox 12/31/24 12/31/26
Stephen Murphy 01/24/24 12/31/25
Norma Trevino 01/24/24 12/31/25
Stormy Wall 12/31/24 12/31/26