Ongoing Projects

Beach   Bay   Under Construction   Future Plan

Beach Access Improvements:

The beach is our City's pride and joy, and we want everyone to be able to enjoy it! We are working on updating each access point to include more amenities (i.e. bathrooms and showers) and to be more handicap accessible.

#22 Fantasy Circle

#16 Neptune

Access 16 is currently under construction. New construction will include: restroom, water fountain, showers, ADA compliant walkover, and improved parking. 

#1 Harbor  

Access 1 updates are currently being engineered. 

#12 Day Dream

Access 12 updates are currently being engineered.

#9 Bluewater

Access 9 updates are currently being engineered.

Dune Restoration and Management

This project will restore two miles of linear beach through strategic planting of vegetation and sand fencing. The fencing is at a 45° angle to help catch any wind-driven sand and trap it to create new dunes. The vegetation will then help keep the sand in place, helping keep the dune on the beach.

Beneficial Use of Dredge Material (BUDM) 

Beneficial uses are defined as “productive and positive uses of dredged material, which cover broad use categories ranging from fish and wildlife habitat development, to human recreation, to industrial/commercial uses” (USACE BUDM, Engineer Manual 1110-2-5026).

Following the City's Erosion Response Plan, utilizing this dredged material will help to keep sand on the depleting northern section of our beach. 

Tomkins Channel

Brazos Santiago Pass

The City partners with the United States Army Corps of Engineers to dredge the Brazos Santiago Pass. This is completed every couple of years. 

Wind and Water Sports Venue

Bay side Boat Ramp