Contact Us
- Office: (956) 761-8123
- Office Fax:
(956) 761-3898 - Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.
Monday - Friday
Animal Control
The Animal Control division of Environmental Health Services is responsible for the humane treatment of animals, the enforcement of animal related laws in the Code of Ordinances, Texas Health and Safety Code and Texas Penal Code, and assisting the public with animal related concerns.
Likely Violations Addressed
Dogs at large - All dogs located within the Town shall at all times be fenced, housed, leashed, tethered or in some other manner physically restrained so that they may not any time run at large within the limits of the Town.
Livestock prohibited - The keeping of any horses, jacks, jennets, cattle, sheep, swine, goats, hogs or other livestock within the Town is declared a nuisance and is prohibited and unlawful.
Horseback riding regulated - It is unlawful for any person to ride a horse, mule, donkey or any other animal through or upon the beaches or other public right-of-ways within the Town limits.
- Cleaning up after pets - Any person owning, keeping, possessing or harboring any dog or cat shall promptly remove and dispose of all feces left by the dog or cat on any public property and on any private property not owned by such person or lawfully occupied by such person.
Tip of the Month
When you discover an animal, feral or domestic, it is NOT safe to assume the animal will not harm you. Being bitten or scratched can lead to severe bleeding, infection or disease. Allow an expert to humanely remove or rescue an animal that may be injured, lost, or a nuisance. Humane traps are available from the Environmental Health Services Department at no cost. Proper identification is required and a replacement fee may apply if the trap is stolen, lost or damaged.